Sunday, May 24, 2009

Van Der Wijck Fortress of Gombog

The name is Van Der Wijck fortress. it was establish around 1808. I found it interesting because i know the monument in thounsand kilometres from this fortress exist. The van der wijck ship had an disaster in the sea and it was around the Lamongan, east java. and the fortress is in central java. probably the fortress was set up long time before and the ship name came out from this fortress.

Anyway, i really like to structure. probably you can say it was common design of a fortress but i think it is the colour of the fortress is also interest people to take a picture. I imagine that those who interest in photography will enjoy this place to create an art picture.

Tourism object of this history located in Gombong, about 21 KM of west Kebumen. Fortress of[is in form of trapeze which made of this brick own 2 dance. In shares of roof of fortress of there are building functioning as reconnaissance place
Fortress of is ex-ommission of this Dutch develop builded in wartime of Diponegoro ( 1825-1830). In face of perlawana people, in the year 1827 government of colonial of Dutch apply system of military of Fortress of Stesel . One of " custody post" what they develop build region of Bagelen or Keduh of South arch of part of west is Fortress of van of der Wijck

Fortress of this Fossil have wide 7.168 m2 , with wall and floor which masing - masing have thick 140 cm and 110 cm. First floor of there are 4 gateway, 16 big column, and 27 other;dissimilar column is which smaller. connecting first floor and dance second of memeiliki 8 doorstep child not include 2 doorstep of emergency lainya. Danced by 2 xself there are 16 big column, and 25 column of kecil. of part of fortress roof, dance this second is connected by 4 doorstep child.

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