The landscape of Jawa Barat is dominated by a chain of volcanoes, both active and extinct, that from west to east includes Mounts Sanggabuwana, Gede, Pangrango, Kendang, and Tjereme.

The highest of these peaks rise to elevations of about 10,000 feet (3,000 metres).

Gede Mountain located at East Java, Indonesia. Visited almost 18.000 tourist / year and only 3 hours car riding from Jakarta, Gede Mountain is nearest popular hiking destination from Jakarta.

Gede Mountain is part of Gede – Pangrango National Park since 1981 and under three major cities territorial (Bogor, Cianjur, and Sukabumi). 251 birds species you can see there, its more than 65% of total in Java Island. Some rare birds you can find here is Elang Jawa (Spizaetus bartelsi) and Sunda Owl (Otus angelinae).